
What’s a Neighbor Garden?

What's a Neighbor Garden?

A Neighbor Garden is a very simple and economical version of a Community Garden, using the Straw Bale Gardens® method.


Using just a small amount of space, a Neighbor Garden can 

  • provide fresh, healthy food to share with people living nearby
  • create a space for conversation and new friendships to develop during the growing season
  • inspire kids and local families to grow their own Straw Bale Gardens

Take a look aroumd your own neighborhood. There are probably dozens of spots where you could set up a Neighbor Garden.

Next to a park bench?
On the edge of a sidewalk?
On top of landscape rock in a median like in Kelly’s neighborhood?

A single bale of straw takes up almost no space. There’s no digging required, and very little maintenance during the growing season.

Community Gardens are normally BIG projects, and often fail because volunteers get discouraged by the hard work of weeding.

But Straw Bale Gardening gives us a much simpler, less expensive and more enjoyable way to grow a garden for neighbors to share.

Let us know what spaces in your area could be the home of a Straw Bale Neighbor Garden. We’d love to see photos, and hear stories of what happens in YOUR Straw Bale Neighbor Garden, too!

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