Free Straw Bale Classified Ad Listing Service
State | City | Country | Instructor | Phone Number | ||
Tennessee | Centerville | USA | ForeverMoreFarms-Concetta | 253-426-9772 | concetta.i.west@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/ForevermoreFarm.tn |
Texas | Glen Rose | USA | Mike Lee | 817-219-4747 | holidayatthesea@yahoo.com | |
Florida | Tallahassee | USA | Michael Blain | 850-508-1353 | justplainblain@comcast.net | https://facebook.com/justplainblain@comcast.net |
Michigan | Columbiaville | USA | Ruby Throat | 810-793-5257 | ||
N/A | N/A | Devin Orrell | themightymonkeyboys3@gmail.com | |||
N/A | N/A | Robin Crawford Hair | hair_robin@hotmail.com | |||
Texas | Boerne | USA | Gail L. Uecker | 830-388-9204 | gemranch@gvtc.com | |
Wisconsin | Tomahawk | USA | Gary Hacker | 715-612-0960 | mirrorscape06@gmail.com | |
Minnesota | Detroit Lakes | USA | Nick Williams | 218 439 6193 | nwilliams@loretel.net | |
Michigan | South Lyon | USA | Chris Melcher | 248-444-7872 | melchercatgang@yahoo.com | |
New South Wales | Urana | Australia | Christine Hall | 490194492 | uranastrawbalegarden@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1931959460178350/ |
Illinios | Huntley | USA | Kim Truog | 608-616-2409 | kim_truog@hotmail.com | |
Victoria | Melbourne | Australia | Tracey Sidwell | 0448 008 883 | info@balegrow.com.au | https://www.facebook.com/BaleGrow/ |
Kentucky | Paducah | USA | Michael Durr | 270-217-2315 | mdurr@comcast.net | |
Wisconsin | Madison | USA | Ulrike Dieterle | 608-233-9151 | ulrike.dieterle@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/ulrike.dieterle |
Tennessee | Seymour | USA | Karen Hall | 865-851-2922 | borderhall07@yahoo.com | https://facebook.com/KarenHall |
Kentucky | Mayfield | USA | Crystal Rogers | crogers@galaxycable.net | ||
Kansas | Harper | USA | Donovan and Ginger Foster | 316-644-0286 | fosterdg@sctelcom.net | |
Tennessee | Lebanon | USA | Rebecca (Becky) Owen | 615-829-1223 | goofybecky1003@gmail.com | |
Wyoming | Wapiti | USA | Jeanene Lunsford | Jeanenewest16@gmail.com | ||
Tennessee | Ooltewah | USA | Greta Basham | 423-238-9775 | sales@ooltewahnursery.com | |
Alberta | Edmonton | Canada | Claressa | 780-434-6096 | crellinger@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/groups/554818524679141/ |
Ohio | Hamler | USA | Jeff Brubaker | 419-439-0083 | bruhaus@speednet.com | |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | USA | Kerry Solomon | 405-737-2824 | kmsolo418@cox.net | |
Davao del Sur | Davao City | Philippines | Jonavie Paclibar | paclibar_jonavie@yahoo.com | https://www.facebook.com/jonavie.paclibar.3 | |
Missouri | Festus | USA | Bradley J. Almond | 314-706-8700 | quadnutz1956@yahoo.com | |
Louisiana | DeRidder | USA | Darlene Marsh | 337-463-5352 | dmarsh2553@hughes.net | |
Oregon | Roseburg | USA | Chris Hart | masterherbalist7@gmail.com | ||
Indiana | Greensburg | USA | Jeff Ludlow | 812-593-1296 | ludlowja2@gmail.com | |
Pennsylvania | Macungie | USA | Rita Marks | 610-702-3193 | DRessage72@yahoo.com | https://www.facebook.com/Straw-Bale-Garden-1742038669400825/ |
Connecticut | Monroe | USA | Brenda Schultz | 203-209-3077 | brendalovesgardens@gmail.com | |
Ontario | Tavistock | Canada | Don Lawson | 519 718-0630 | guitardad@bell.net | |
Oklahoma | Newcastle | USA | Janet and Danny Roten | 405-563-1725 | janetroten@gmail.com | https://facebook.com/janetmichaelroten |
Nevada | Las Vegas | USA | Richard Ryan | 702-929-4725 | RichardRyan@embarqmail.com | |
Manitoba | Stony Mountain | Canada | Jennifer Berines | 1-204-513-1728 | jackturbo@hotmail.com | |
Ohio | Woodville | USA | Rene Dix | 419-307-0914 | rene.dix@email.com | |
Tennessee | Nashville | USA | Ruby and T.G. Rucker | rubybrucker@yahoo.com | ||
South Carolina | Myrtle Beach | USA | Mary Lou Brown | 843-267-3355 | brown_mary_lou@yahoo.com | https://facebook.com/marylou.brown.16 |
N/A | N/A | Timothy Shaver | band_miller1@yahoo.com | |||
Texas | Houston | USA | Alicia Campos | aliciacampos7@yahoo.com | ||
Kansas | El Dorado | USA | Elizabeth (Lizzy) Lampi | 316-213-3494 | lizzy.lampi@gmail.com | |
Michigan | South Lyon | USA | John Keast | 248-982-4955 | keastsouthlyon@aol.com | |
North Carolina | Spring Lake | USA | Fern Villafane | sugarfootcandeesweet@yahoo.com | ||
Virginia | Amissville | USA | Darryl Whitham | 540-341-7488 | ||
Virginia | Altavista | USA | Gwen Wells | 434-436-5981 | whereprettyhappens@gmail.com | https://facebook.com/gwen.wells2 |
Georgia | Springfield | USA | Paul A. Bathe | 912-655-1466 | PaulBathe@AlarmsPlus.biz | https://www.facebook.com/The52WeekGarden/ |
Glarnerland | Engi | Switzerland | Uschi Sura | +41 (0)79 827 24 91 | kontakt@strohballengarten.ch | https://www.facebook.com/derstrohballengarten/ |
Schleswig-Holstein | Kittlitz | Deutschland | Christa Grotepaß | 0049 4546 8087990 | Christa@hof-grotepass.de | |
Michigan | Livonia | USA | Denise Strauss | 734-679-6141 | motorcitydtw@gmail.com | |
Ohio | Columbus | USA | Tim Anderson | 614-402-2089 | timanderson@inmybackyardhope.com | |
Wisconsin | Mequon | USA | Joey and Holly Baird | 414-708-0220 | thewiveggardener@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/wisconsinvegetablegardeners |
Washington | White Salmon | USA | Teddy Parkinson | 509-493-4751 | teddyparkinson@yahoo.com | |
Missouri | Gravois Mills | USA | Tricia Barrett | 573-369-2394 | barrettpr@missouri.edu | |
Rhode Island | Charlestown | USA | Annie Sires | 401-213-4259 | pietas.quattor@gmail.com | https://facebook.com/annie.paramedic |
Tennessee | Columbia | USA | Houston B Jones | 615-585-8576 | houston_jones@att.net | |
Virginia | Williamsburg | USA | Lee and Kathe Ware | |||
Georgia | Woodstock | USA | Kathleen Baswell | 404-317-3256 | Nanabazz@comcast.net | https://facebook.com/KathleenHunnicuttBaswell |
Virginia | Rocky Mount | USA | Chrissie McNeil | chrissiemcneil@gmail.com | https://facebook.com/ChrissieMaeMcNeil | |
Tennessee | Hixson |