
Organic Oat Straw

Straw Bales For Sale $4.00
Type of Straw Oat straw
How old are these bales? 2021
What kind of strings? natural fiber hemp, plastic (nylon)
How much does each bale weigh approximately? 40 lbs or greater
Straw bale dimensions: Length x Width x Height in inches. 14x36
Number of straw bales available 90
Is delivery available? Yes
If delivery is available, what is approximate cost? $.75 a mile
Hours the location is open available for pickup? By appointment

Additional Details

Organic certified oats straw small farmer in Wisconsin 90 bales available. Appointment pickup only. Can deliver within a 65 mile radius for fee.

Straw Bale Market

Contact Info

Rib Lake, Wisconsin

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