
Ramsey MN Straw Bales

Straw Bales For Sale $6.00
Type of Straw Oat straw, Other straw
How old are these bales? current crop
What kind of strings? natural fiber hemp
How much does each bale weigh approximately? 30-40 lbs
Straw bale dimensions: Length x Width x Height in inches. 36x18x15
Number of straw bales available 5000
Is delivery available? No
Hours the location is open available for pickup? by appointment

Additional Details

Plenty available! If you need one bale, come and see us, if you need thousands of bales, please call ahead! These are beautiful clean bales, easy to handle. Baled early in clean fields to prevent the accumulation of weed seeds – we have previously been certified by MCIA as Noxious weed seed free but found the cost and effort involved in being inspected, certified and the labor involved in getting the individual tag on each bale to not be worth it. We still care for all of our fields and storage areas in the same manner as we did when we were certified and tagging the bales. EXCELLENT for straw bale gardening!

If you are interested in contracting certified bales for the up-coming season, let us know and we can make arrangements for that. You may inspect this year’s bales to get an idea of how they look and handle.

Easy access for any size semi-trailers or 5th wheel trailers for large quantity orders (call Dan for loading information on quantities) thousands available
Call Dan 612-483-8995

Straw Bale Market

Contact Info

Ramsey, Minnesota

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